Price and Cost. The difference.

When buying an appliance, remember that it has two price tags:

  • What you pay for it
  • What you pay for the energy and/or water it uses

ENERGY STAR® qualified appliances incorporate advanced technologies that
use 10-50% less energy and water than standard models. The money you save
on your utility bills can more than make up for the cost of a more expensive but
more efficient ENERGY STAR model.Appliances Thumbnail

Climate Change on YALI

So there is this great initiative by Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) to offer courses and you get a certificate to that effect (good for the Resume as well).yali-certificate-04-1-638 Very basic indeed but rest assured that they will open your mind on a lot of things. When you get a chance please visit and take just a course per day like yours truly is doing. By next week i will be done with all 13 courses and you too can do the same.

I will be also taking the Climate Change course with several people during the course of the year at high schools and youth centers because at Collins Energy we all about climate change as well.20151216_145623

Will be posting updates on where we will be and how you can plug in if you can and how you can host any one of the courses in your country/community.20151216_131524